These Things Matter: Empire, Exploitation and Everyday Racism is a startling new exhibition exploring the devastating and long-term effects of the British Empire, curated in partnership with the Museum of Colour (MoC) and Fusion Arts.

This one of a kind exhibition signals a new way of working within the culture and heritage sector, where large scale, traditional organisations work alongside nimble micro partners to co-create fresh and accessible visitor experiences.
The exhibition features seven contemporary artists, one for each of the six artefacts featured and one reflecting on the entire display. These artists are Bunmi Ogunsiji, Grace Lee, Amina Atiq, Dirty Freud, Nilupa Yasmin, Mahdy Abo Bahat and Johannah Latchem.
Also, the exhibition will, for the first time, feature selected artefacts from the Bodleian's colonial collections. The inclusion of these artefacts allows visitors to understand how they were used to dehumanise people of colour in order to oppress them over several centuries.
- Seven artists selected by the MoC and Fusion Arts will interpret the items through sound, art installations and digital displays for a modern audience.
- The exhibition opens at the Blackwell Hall, Weston Library - on 17th November 2022.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
These Things Matter runs until 19 February 2023 and is free to visit.
Opening times: Monday - Saturdays 10 - 5, Sundays 11 - 4