
At Fusion Arts we want as many people as possible to be able to use our website.

Accessibility Evaluation

This website has been audited using the following Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools:

These tools check for common accessibility issues such as background / foreground colour contrast ratios, alternative text and alternative input devices.


If you are having difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any content that you believe is not fully accessible, please contact us using the details below and provide a description of the feature you feel is not fully accessible or a suggestion for improvement.


Fusion Arts Centre
East Oxford Community Centre
44B Princes Street
Oxford , OX4 1DD

t: 01865 245735

Email us at

Supporters of Fusion Arts

Oxford City Council Arts Council England National Lottery Funded Project Grant National Lottery Community Fund Oxfordshire Community Foundation Here for Culture Doris Field Charitable Trust BBC Children in Need Levelling Up South Oxfordshire District Council Christ Church College Jesus College