This exhibition is a selection of photographs created and printed by participants at the Sirkhane Darkroom. @sirkhanedarkroom is a not for profit organisation in southern Turkey, working close to the border with Syria, that brings joy and creativity to children and young people affected by conflict and disaster.
Images from Sirkhane DARKROOM are now on Fusion Arts #WindowGalleris!

This exhibition is a selection of photographs created and printed by participants at the Sirkhane Darkroom. @sirkhanedarkroom is a not for profit organisation in southern Turkey, working close to the border with Syria, that brings joy and creativity to children and young people affected by conflict and disaster.
In @sirkhanedarkroom, we are trying to provide children with a healthy childhood and use photography as the language children use to express themselves." Said: @serbestsalih_ , Darkroom Director.
Images from @sirkhanedarkroom previously exhibited at 95 Gloucester Green Fusion Arts Creative Space, on 21st April-28th April 2023 alongside Autoportraits by @carnegierory.
Images are featured in the photobook, "I saw the air fly." The book features the unique perspectives of children from Turkey, Syria, and Iraq and showcases their photography skills. The book is available online(link in bio).
The Exhibition is made possible with the support of @katy_vetch at Inspection Pit.
Fusion Arts #WindowGalleries, Friars Entry. Oxford, OX1 2BZ
Don’t miss to pass by and check it out!!
صور من "سيرخان داركروم"
هذا المعرض عبارة عن مجموعة مختارة من الصور الفوتوغرافية التي تم التقاطها وطباعتها من قِبل المشاركين في "سيرخان داركروم"، أي الغرفة المظلمة، وهي منظمة غير ربحية تدرّس التصوير الفوتوغرافي والفنون الأخرى للأطفال والشباب المتضررين من الحرب والكوارث
"نحرص على تأمين طفولة صحية للأطفال في "سيرخان داركروم"، عن طريق استخدام التصوير الفوتوغرافي كوسيلة يتمكنون من خلالها التعبير عن أنفسهم." سربست صالح، مدير سيرخان داركروم