Land Justice Oxfordshire: Community Bring & Share Gathering



Land Justice Oxfordshire: Community Bring & Share Gathering

Land Justice Oxford invites you to share what land justice means to you. Is it space to grow food, gather, eat, dance, or create art? Bring food that feels like home for a communal meal, and share its story!

Land Justice Oxfordshire welcome you to share what land justice in Oxford means to you - is it space to grow your own food? Space to gather, eat, dance and be in community? Space to make and share art?

Bring food that means home to you to share for a communal meal, and there will be some time to share about the food you bring too if you like.

We will have craft and collage materials, maps to draw over, and space to shape what you want to see change in the city; and to think about what we need more of to get there - be that radical, intergenerational teach ins, learning about past protest and struggle by different communities here, our rights as civilians or food growing skills!

About Land Justice Oxfordshire

Land Justice Oxfordshire is a collective of Oxfordshire residents aiming to raise awareness of the extent to which access to land sits at the heart of many of the social and economic injustices we face today.

Our collective currently includes growers, artists, teachers, housing experts, architects, students and citizens, across both town and gown. We all bring different experiences of land dynamics in the county, but we all share two things: we know that the current system of land use is unsustainable and unjust – and we know that it doesn’t have to be that way.

We meet monthly in central Oxford and/or online, and everyone is welcome at meetings – we’re a friendly group, so come along!

This event is supported by Oxfordshire County Council, through CAG Oxfordshire's Great Big Green Week Small Grants Programme as part of the #ClimateActionOxfordshire campaign.

What's on

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FORBIDDEN GAMES: From Tarlabaşı to Oxford Streets. Artwork by Sıla Yalazan

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Supporters of Fusion Arts

Oxford City Council Arts Council England National Lottery Funded Project Grant National Lottery Community Fund Oxfordshire Community Foundation Here for Culture Doris Field Charitable Trust BBC Children in Need Levelling Up South Oxfordshire District Council Christ Church College Jesus College