Tetiten Swarane Tandur: Hear the Seeds Sing”


Fusion Arts is thrilled to announce our collaboration with artists from Soboman Artspace 219 @soboman219 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, bringing you ‘Tetiten Swarane Tandur: Hear the Seeds Sing.’

Join us in Oxford UK this June for#GreatBigGreenWeek as we present an exhibition that reflects on the Cowongan tradition, once commonly performed in Java, Indonesia. During drought seasons, local villagers would pray to Dewi Sri, the Goddess of rice and fertility, for rain.

Transforming our creative space into an immersion of Javanese culture and tradition, the exhibition will feature a huge mural, hundreds of suspended miniature Cowongan dolls. and 10 Dewi Sri replicas. The overarching theme of the exhibition revolves around the impacts of climate change and land ownership on food security. Stay tuned for more details on our accompanying event program!

A special thank you to the British Council @idbritish @idbritisharts for their support through the Connections Through Culture grant program. Designed to foster cultural partnerships between East Asia and the UK, these grants play a vital role in nurturing new ideas and collaborations among artists and cultural organizations. This round of grants focuses on diversity and inclusion, as well as addressing climate change, encouraging cross-border collaborations and artistic exchanges to tackle global challenges and foster long-term relationships between creative practitioners and organizations.

Watch this space for updates on ‘Tetiten Swarane Tandur: Hear the Seeds Sing’ - an exhibition not to be missed! 🌱🎶 Mark your calendars!!

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Oxford City Council Arts Council England National Lottery Funded Project Grant National Lottery Community Fund Oxfordshire Community Foundation Here for Culture Doris Field Charitable Trust BBC Children in Need Levelling Up South Oxfordshire District Council Christ Church College Jesus College