94,000 Mexicans to be Found by Veronica Cordova
'94,000 Mexicans to be Found' by artist @veronica_cordovadelarosa is a reproducible statement artwork responding to the disappearance crisis in Mexico shown in the #WindowGalleries in April 2022. When first displayed at the Glass Tank Gallery in 2016, the work was titled 27,000 Mexicans to be Found, showing us the shocking developments made in this story over just 6 years.
Veronica Cordova multifaceted artist based in Oxford creating artworks that touch on subjects of trauma, violence and striking societal research. As Cordova explained, "More than 94,000 people have disappeared in Mexico, most of them since 2006. It’s the worst crisis of the disappeared in Latin America since the Cold War."
'94,000 Mexicans to be Found' was on display in the #WindowGalleries from 14th April 2022 to the 30th April 2022.