

Fusion Arts is a catalyst for creativity in Oxford, and beyond. Since 1977 we have connected artists with communities, and inspired hundreds of bespoke creative projects.

People remain at the core of everything we do – have keep in mind that our goal is to positively impact others’ lives & help bring about change, we are sensitive to political and cultural issues & areas where social injustice and bias still exists, because of this, we are very conscious that everything we create is inclusive, accessible (or correctly targeted), fun, creative and tries it’s hardest to not exhibit bias, conscious or otherwise.

  • Avoid too much jargon / trending terms, clear, concise, want something with longevity
  • We are against “us / them” othering language when making the case for what we do
  • Socially engaged practice - shaping a better society
  • Belonging = core social benefit, definitely something we want to get across
  • Inclusion - our role is to enable everybody to be artists
  • More connected communities

Core Words


  • We facilitate people to be creative.
  • We are creative in the way we respond to challenges. This includes questioning the systems and structures and status quo, to enable social change and to enable high quality art.
  • Our creativity is by nature experimental and risk-taking. We want to encourage others to embrace experimentation and risk.
  • Create: to make something from nothing. To make something new, that hasn’t been known before, from known ingredients


We want everyone to feel that they belong in our space - physical and metaphorical. We encourage experimentation and risk and it’s ok to make mistakes. We avoid us/them hierarchies and we see everyone’s contribution/knowledge/expertise as valuable. We want to be transparent, humble, informal, friendly.


We want people to have fun. Fun is important to allow us to be creative, experimental and to change the way things are done